How it’s made

To produce organic buckwheat tea the black tartary buckwheat grains are used. Soft young seeds are harvested for making tea.
They provide the maximum amount of trace elements and minerals

The collected raw materials are delicately processed to preserve the maximum of nutrients.

The degree of processing depends on the recipe.

Typically, production includes the following stages:

  • 01

    Collection of young buckwheat seeds.

  • 02

    Washing, sifting, grinding the grains.

  • 03

    Light frying to enhance flavor and aroma.

  • 04

    Grinding, pressing seeds into granules to obtain granulated tea.

  • 05

    Add spices, add ginger, cinnamon, mint, rooibos and other ingredients to the scatter.

The finished product is not suitable for long-term storage, as buckwheat loses its useful properties over time. The main producers of black buckwheat are China and Tibet. Also, this plant grows in South Korea, Mongolia, Japan, Pakistan.

The best buckwheat tea is made from a culture that grows in the highlands. About 50 years ago, "golden" buckwheat was brought out in the Celestial Empire. This is a very rare variety from which the most unique and delicious. "Golden" grains are of higher quality, have a light structure, and after brewing they do not give off bitterness.